AIAPI, Associazione Internazionale Arti Plastiche Italia è la rappresentante unica in Italia di IAA/AIAP UNESCO.
La International Association of Art, IAA/AIAP è una NGO (organizzazione non governativa) che lavora in partnership con UNESCO, con status consultivo, composto da artisti essenzialmente provenienti dal settore della pittura, della scultura, della fotografia e artisti che operano in altre forme di lavoro creativo nell’ambito delle arti visive.
L’Associazione intende stimolare la cooperazione internazionale tra gli artisti di tutti i paesi, nazioni o popoli e promuovere la posizione economica e sociale degli artisti a livello nazionale e internazionale, oltre che difendere i loro diritti materiali e morali.
La struttura di IAA/AIAP è simile a quella dell’UNESCO.
Consente e facilita tutte le forme di lavoro nelle arti e nelle professioni artistiche tra gli artisti attraverso incontri, seminari, mostre in un ideale di pace, tolleranza e condivisione.
IAA/AIAP discute e struttura proposte che vengono trasferite agli stati membri governati dall’UNESCO.

i fondatori di IAA/AIAP UNESCO
The origins of IAA/AIAP (International Association of Art, in English) can be traced to the Third General Conference of
UNESCO, held at Beirut, Lebanon, in 1948. The Director – General was charged with enquiring into ‘ways in which artists
might serve the aims of UNESCO’, and to discover what obstacles of a social, economic, or political order lay in the path of
artists in the practice of their art. He was charged, too, with recommending measures by which artists working conditions
could be improved and their freedom assured.
The UNESCO Conference, at its sixth Session, in 1951, empowered the Director-General to organize an International
Conference of artists to study the actual conditions of artists’ freedom in various countries and to enquire into the means
to associate them more closely with UNESCO’s work. Accordingly, in 1952, at a conference of artists held in Venice, 23
governments and 48 associations of artists in 19 countries, declared themselves in favor of the formation of an international
association of painters, sculptors and engravers. A provisional council was formed under the chairmanship of Gino
Severini (Italy), and a secretariat was opened in UNESCO House in Paris.
In 1954, in Venice, the General Assembly of the fully constituted Association was summoned for the first time and declared
the basic aims of IAA/AIAP. At this first Assembly, 18 countries (with National Committees already formed) took part, with
observers from another 22 countries. Artists like Mirò, Braque, Delaunay, Pasmore, Hartung, Laurencin, Matta, Lurçat,
Masson, Vasarely, Moore, Soto, Cesar, Calder, Magritte, Billings, Severini, Lhote and many others left their imprint at IAA/
Since its creation, UNESCO gave to IAA/AIAP the status of UNESCO partnership NGO with the status of consultative